A little while ago we received a call from someone with bees in their chimney. Off we went for a look and wow they were up high. The owner really didnt want them there as they were getting stung nor did they want to kill them. So, only one way to do it .....scaffolding!
On Saturday 20th June off we set to get the bees out and give them a new home. Car loaded and suits on, we were ready!
This wasnt an easy job as it was rather hot and we had to take all the equipment up three sets of ladders, and get me up there!
All set up we took the chimney pot off and wow, their they were. Slowly we took brick by brick off and exposed the beautiful comb they had made. Honey dripping the comb just kept going on and on! Soon we got to what we thought was the end and managed to remove all the comb together with the bees, what a sticky mess we were in! We left them alone for a while as many of them were flying around. So a quick drink and snack and back up the ladders we go. After a bit of bee vacuming we got all we could. Site all cleared and cleaned, we thanked the house owners and left them to enjoy their evening.
Whilst it was getting dark we put them in their new home and tucked them up for the night.
Bee happy
Toni Birkbeck
